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On-line Entry

Please thoroughly read ALL of the information below BEFORE submitting your Entry.

bullet CBS Sports Login: The brackets for our league are hosted on the website, you can get one for FREE by going to and clicking on the "Register" button at the top of the page




Bracket Website: The Bracket Website can be found at this link: PICKSGUY. The password for our league is picksguy.


bullet Multiple Entries:  You can enter as many times as you would like. Just remember, you need to submit a payment for each entry! The website is currently set to accept a maximum of 5 entries per player. If you would like to submit more than 5 entries, please send a note to and the maximum will be expanded.
bullet Correcting Entries: After you have submitted your picks, you can change them as many times as you would like prior to the picks deadline.  To make changes, just go to the bracket that you would like to change, change it, and then click on Save.

Entry Verification: Once you submit your picks, the Picksguy will immediately see your picks on the CBS Sports website.  If your picks do not appear or are incorrect, please send an email to


Don't Forget Your Donation:  The most important thing to remember is to send in your donation!  You can either give your donation directly to the Picksguy, click on this button:

Payment Type
or you can mail it to:

Steve Woodward

2700 Pasadena Place

Flower Mound, TX 75022

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Last modified: March 8, 2023